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Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils – January 2024 image
January 09, 2024
Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils – January 2024
Check out how the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce is getting the community involved in shaping NEPA's future with their volunteer councils.
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We’re teaming up with community partners all over Northeastern Pennsylvania to bring you a closer look at what makes our amazing counties, cities, towns and villages so unique. Keep your eye on this space for regular contributions from local organizations, visitors’ bureaus, tourism boards, chambers and so much more.

Check Out What's Going On with Our Chamber Councils!


Keep an eye out for awesome Chamber events this month!

The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce wants to keep you updated each month with everything that their volunteer councils have planned this year, including featured upcoming events, community programs, and business community features!

Their Councils include the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, Women’s Council, Young Professionals Council, Nonprofit Council, Government Affairs Council, and Ambassadors Council!


Upcoming Council Event Spotlight – 2024 Young Professionals Conference



The 6th Regional Young Professionals Conference is happening on March 20th, hosted in partnership with the United Way of Wyoming Valley and our regional chambers.

This day-long conference is aimed at developing our area’s talented professionals, featuring amazing speakers in our region between the ages of 20-45. Join us in the THINK Center in Downtown Wilkes-Barre. This year’s conference will feature two tracks of breakout sessions, with topics like wellness, personal finance, leadership development, innovation, and getting involved in our community!

We invite passionate individuals to apply as speakers for the 2024 conference. Seize this opportunity to share your expertise and insights by completing the speaker application before midnight on January 14th. You can get more information about the event and access the speaker form HERE!


Get Involved in Community Initiatives – Speak at the 2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Forum!



We’re looking for passionate speakers to join us as presenters for the 2024 Regional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Forum, which will be held on April 10th in partnership with our regional chambers. We are looking for diverse-owned business owners or entrepreneurs and individuals who have dedicated themselves to building diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in their workplaces and in their communities.

Please complete the RFP form before midnight on January 14th. You can get more information about the event and access the speaker form HERE!


Community Opportunities –Calling 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students: Submit An Essay for the 2024 Civics Bee!



The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is once again hosting its National Civics Bee in Pennsylvania, and we are partnering with our regional chambers to host the local leg of the competition! 6th, 7th and 8th-grade students are invited to register and submit their essays for the competition by the newly extended deadline of January 22nd!

Students are tasked with identifying a problem facing your community, and responding to how a citizen might solve the problem, through the submission of a 500-word essay that includes the following:

  • What is the problem, and how do different members in your community or neighborhood view it?
  • What civic principles or systems could help to address the problem?
  • What is your idea or recommendation for solving the problem?
  • What primary sources, such as the Declaration of Independence or the United States Constitution, provide supporting evidence or examples for your idea or recommendation?
  • How might members of your community or neighborhood bring your idea or recommendation to life?

The National Civics Bee® is an annual competition that encourages young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities. In the first round of the contest, local 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will participate in an essay competition. Judges will then select 20 finalists to participate in the local competition: a live quiz event testing civics knowledge. Then, the top 3 students from each local competition will advance to the state competition.

Interested students can visit the National Civics Bee site to learn more and submit their essays!