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Cash & Carry XI image
Dec 16
Cash & Carry XI
Monday, Dec 16
@ 10:00 am
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They gave away hundreds of panels for artists to make art on, and the panels themselves serve as the theme of this annual show. Artists can paint on these panels, draw on them, glue a photograph on, knit around them — ANYTHING.

This year they cut 1/2″-thick MDF into 269 8″ squares, 195 7″ by 9″ rectangles, and another 50-odd smaller rectangles (the offcuts) — a total of 522 pieces.

They will hang the show over the weekend before Thanksgiving so you can come in and browse until 6 p.m. on Friday, December 6th (during Downtown Bloomsburg’s First Friday and “Coming Home for Christmas” event). On that Friday morning, they’ll start handing out numbers, and at 6 p.m. the person with number 1 gets to choose ONE piece; if she wants a second piece, she must take another number and go to the back of the line. Same with number 2, number 3, etc. — each one gets to choose ONE piece the first time through.

Once the rush ends, then they open it up to as many pieces as each customer wants, but until then they keep it fair and fun. And when you pay for your piece(s), you may take the art home — thus the “carry” party of the show’s name. (They do take checks and cards, just like the way that “Cash & Carry” sounds.)

Every piece this year will sell for $30, with the artist receiving $24; any artist wishing to donate more or all of the proceeds to The Exchange may certainly do so.