LIVE WIRE offers the most complete and authentic reproduction of AC/DC’s sound and stage performance in the world. LIVE WIRE’s live show is the most accurate duplication of the original band that AC/DC fans worldwide have come to love.
Established in the year 2000 and hailing from the New York metro area, LIVE WIRE has performed for audiences on FIVE continents around the world including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The band has performed for audiences across the United States, Canada, Egypt, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Venezuela, Peru, Honduras and many other regions.
Lead singer Francis Crouse brings to you an unmatchable emulation of Brian Johnson himself, portraying AC/DC’s frontman of the last 40 years with a powerful delivery of voice and stage presence like no one else! The trio of Bill’s: Rhythm guitarist Bill Voccia, bass guitarist Bill Bowden and drummer Billy Rauff hold down the rhythm section, the driving force behind the AC/DC juggernaut of sheer rock ‘n roll power and wall of sound. Last but not least, the Ultimate ANGUS YOUNG clone in North America rounds out the band to deliver to you the most unforgettable and undeniably most authentic AC/DC experience on the planet.