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A pink flyer with a woman and child doing a yoga pose. Text reads:
Feb 02
Forty Fort
My Grownup + Me Valentine Yoga
Sunday, Feb 02
@ 1:00 pm
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Join Yoga Flow with Lisa Mo for a special Valentine’s theme yoga experience for children ages 4 to 8 and their grownups at Balance Yoga and Wellness on Sunday, February 2 from 1-2:15 pm!

Together you will enjoy a story, mindfulness activities, and yoga-inspired movement and dance set to your favorite festive and joyful songs!

A limited number of yoga mats will be available to be loaned out on a first come, first served basis, but please bring your own if you are able.

Valentine’s themed outfits encouraged, but please make sure they’re comfortable for movement. Please also bring a drink, and arrive 10 minutes early to settle in and set up your space.

Please note: you will not be dropping off your child for this workshop; it is an experience for you to enjoy together. Pre-registration is requested at or via the MindBody app.

Lisa has all required state and federal clearances to work with children and is a 500+hr RYT® who teaches from a neurodiversity-informed, neurodiversity-affirming background.

$25 for adult + 1 child, $10 every additional child
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Balance Yoga and Wellness
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Ryan Wood