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A Message From Our Founder, Robert K. Mericle

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Posted: May 14, 2018

The Boston to Washington D.C. Corridor is the most economically developed, densely populated, and culturally diverse area in the entire country.

Northeastern Pennsylvania sits right at the heart of it all.

We created DiscoverNEPA to show the world what makes this place so special
I ❤️ NEPA Image

NEPA has a wonderful story and spectacular natural splendor. It is home to some of the hardest-working, most down-to-earth people you’d meet in all of America. We are proud and grateful for this opportunity to share our story with you.


Market Street Bridge, Wilkes-Barre


When I decided to start a real estate company in 1985, I chose Wilkes-Barre for our corporate headquarters.

I grew up here. My roots are strong here. I believed then, and I feel even more strongly now, that NEPA has a unique set of advantages. We have the most productive and dedicated workforce in the country. We are conveniently connected to all of the major cities in the Northeast. NEPA is home to a tight-knit, nationally recognized network of colleges and universities. And there is an unmatched blue-collar grit passed from one generation to the next that gives us an edge over the competition. We just needed to let the world know and that was where DiscoverNEPA was born.


Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour - Historic Sites & Museums - DiscoverNEPA
Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour, Scranton


I thought first about our rich history.

NEPA played a major role in building this country. No other region worked harder or sacrificed more to fuel America’s Industrial Revolution. We welcomed the world to NEPA during this time and the world showed up with nothing but the shirts on their backs, hands ready to work and bellies full of grit and courage.

Many of us trace our ancestry back to these coal miners, seamstresses and iron workers. This very same ingenuity conceived our most prized architectural marvels. And the “never quit” work ethic that long ago constructed industries from the ground up still guides our workforce today. DiscoverNEPA will celebrate this legacy.


Main St., Pittston


I thought about our location.

NEPA is uniquely positioned in the most convenient location of the entire Northeast Megalopolis. In this region of more than 50 million residents stretching from D.C. to Boston, NEPA sits strategically in the middle. Major cities like New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Hartford connect directly to Northeastern Pennsylvania along five interstate highways. This dramatically reduces travel times to a matter of only a few hours.

And aside from geographical evidence, there are dozens of multi-national corporations currently calling NEPA home that would gladly attest to the region’s status as one of the top business hubs in the nation. DiscoverNEPA intends to drive this point home.


Ricketts Glen State Park, Benton


I thought about our quality of life.

Think big now and imagine NEPA as having one of the most incredible backyards in the world. In a matter of hours, we can see a show on Broadway. We can cheer on the Eagles or Giants, or even walk barefoot next to the ocean. And when we don’t feel like a road trip, we can stay home and enjoy just as many class-A amenities, restaurants and cultural institutions as those other cities.

But unlike the major cities that surround us, NEPA offers a low cost of living. There are many affordable homes and incredible schools in clean, safe neighborhoods. The commutes don’t get any easier, and there is plenty of green space to unwind. Our world-class state parks and natural recreation areas are among the best in the country. No other region offers the same easy access to both the soul-nourishing great outdoors and the rush of excitement found in major cities. DiscoverNEPA will highlight these comparisons.


Misericordia University, Dallas


I thought about our world-class higher education institutions.

Just imagine all that our 18 colleges and universities do every day to help NEPA grow and prosper. Few areas our size can lay claim to such a robust and diversified educational infrastructure.

We are graduating students from top-rated Engineering, Pharmaceutical and Medical programs. Our classical Liberal Arts and Teacher training curricula turn out highly-qualified, ready-to-work graduates each year. And we guarantee that they can stand toe-to-toe with any graduates around the country. DiscoverNEPA aims to connect these brilliant young people with all the opportunities that surround them right here at home.


Edgewood by Sand Springs, Drums


Our DiscoverNEPA team.

Finally, we set out to build DiscoverNEPA, and we thought we knew what made the region so exceptional. We were wrong. In fact, we weren’t even close. For every golf course we found, there were four others. For every walking trail, we found five more. And for every good restaurant, there were dozens that we knew nothing about.

We found more than 1,500 amenities to profile on in just the first few months. Yet we know that we have only scratched the surface. We enjoy discovering something new about NEPA every day. And we hope you will join us as we take this journey.

We believe NEPA is the best place to live in the Northeast and we welcome partners who will help us spread the news.


Ten great counties. One amazing region. DiscoverNEPA.


Our best is yet to come,

Robert K. Mericle

Founder, DiscoverNEPA

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