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Mission Statement

The mission of Family Promise of Carbon County is to provide temporary shelter, meals and fellowship in order to meet the basic needs of families without permanent housing in Carbon County. Families will be educated, encouraged and empowered to become self-sufficient by support from the Faith Community and other local community resources.

Family Promise of Carbon County in Lehighton is a grassroots solution to provide shelter, meals and comprehensive assistance to families experiencing homelessness. The Family Promise Model is a collaborative effort that involves volunteers, congregations, communities and local organizations who provide host sites and support to families experiencing homelessness.

Family Promise believes it takes more than just food and shelter to help local families. Their program provides guidance and teaches life skills to assist the families in reaching self-sufficiency. Families are encouraged to utilize the formal supports of resources in the community such as behavioral health services, drug and alcohol counseling, food pantries, child care, health care services and assistance programs as well as informal supports such as volunteers, office angels, friends and family.

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