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Mission Statement

The Wright Township Recreation Board allows members of the township to provide input to the supervisors of recreation facilities throughout Wright Township.

The Wright Township Recreation Board is comprised of a group of passionate individuals who take pride in and want to see the continued success of Wright Township. They meet the fourth Tuesday of each month to provide an outlet for the township to correspond with recreation facilities supervisors to better the area.

In addition to proposing new projects and undertakings, the recreation board also takes pride in their Recreation Park and strives to keep it safe and clean for families to enjoy. Recreation Park contains nature trails, 4 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, 2 soccer fields, a baseball field, a volleyball court, an ice hockey rink, a splash fountain and a playground.

Throughout the year, and depending on park needs and proposed projects, the board will host community projects. These events will help raise necessary funds for their latest goals and projects. The board also hosts and shares information about seasonal family fun events that benefit the community.

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