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Nicole Farber of ENX2 Marketing – Why NEPA? image
January 19, 2021
Nicole Farber of ENX2 Marketing – Why NEPA?
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“It’s been such a journey. I would never go back. I would never change it. And I’d never change the area that I did it in.”

In 2013, Nicole Farber left a job that she loved and made the leap to start her own business. After a rewarding career at Candy’s Place Cancer & Wellness Center in Forty Fort, the fear of hitting her own glass ceiling finally outweighed the fear of the unknown. She poured herself into building ENX2, a digital marking agency that specializes in legal marketing.

And it was all worth it. Nicole is currently CEO and has consulted with some of the top law firms in the country. With offices in Dallas and Plains, her company has put NEPA on the map when it comes to technology.

When we talked to Nicole, we got a sense of what matters the most in her life. She loves her home in the Back Mountain. She loves her team of employees. She’s always ready to help, having volunteered at the hospitals of Guyana and the villages of Guatemala. And more than anything on earth, she’s proud of her son, Nikolus. She’s probably one of the most cheerful people you’ll ever meet, and she was excited to tell us why she loves NEPA.


How long have you lived in NEPA?

My entire life. And they usually say to never ask a woman her age, so I’m just going to say that it’s a little above the forties. [laughs]

What do you love most about your town?

I would say the overwhelming beauty and nature. I grew up on a dirt road in Centermoreland, and the dirt road is still there. You never hear of that anymore. It’s like out of a storybook. And I think that everybody says this, but it’s the people. You can have that true relationship back and forth, communicating with someone. I’ve been in the city so much, and nobody stops to say anything. It’s just such a mad rush.

What’s your favorite NEPA restaurant?

That’s so hard. I truly do love Fire and Ice because it’s right near my house. I love the Beaumont Inn. That one has a different feel for it—such lush gardens and everything—whereas Fire and Ice gives you a little bit of the cooler vibe. I love Cork. Cork is right around the corner from my Wilkes-Barre office, and it’s just such good, home-cooked food. And Grico’s, I was there last night. I also don’t want to forget Kevin’s, and then there’s Bank + Vine. It’s such a cool place. It brought a new vibe with a different, younger, hip business. I love fine dining, like healthier eating, so I’d have to say any one of those.

What’s your favorite thing to do in NEPA?

My favorite thing to do as a hobby is gardening. Like, I’m a plant lady. My whole house is plants. I just have them everywhere. And I love to garden outside. That’s one of my biggest things because it gives me peace. With the type of work and the position that I’m in, I had a difficult time trying to monitor my stress levels and keep them balanced. Now with gardening, I can do that a little bit more.

What’s next for you?

Professionally, I’m just going to continue to do the best work that I possibly can. I want to help my team members grow personally and professionally. I want to continue to watch my company grow and create the best culture that I can. I’m always saying that you got to love what you do so you can wake up every day and get excited. I want to continue to foster that.

Personally, I want to continue to make sure that I’m constantly nurturing my physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. I do volunteer work outside of the country as well, and the next venture my son and I talk about is going to Africa. We want to help build a school and a church for the villagers. My goal is to hopefully do something like that two or three times a year because I love it. There’s nothing better than giving. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Where do you see NEPA heading in the future?

I want to continue to help make this area more of a tech and innovative place, because I think that’s where it’s going. I think we’re going to start seeing it grow dramatically. Take any one of the tech companies in this area, and they’re all filled with talented, amazing, brilliant people. I think that technology is one of the places we will shine in. It’s been planted so long ago by the other great leaders who originally started here, and I think a harvest is going to come more quickly than we think.


It’s been such a journey. I would never go back. I would never change it. And I’d never change the area that I did it in. I don’t think I would have been as successful anywhere else besides this area. So why not NEPA? It has everything that you’re looking for—everything. You’re surrounded by great people, and God forbid anything ever happen, you’re going to have the community pull together for you no matter what. I know that I can go anywhere and be like, “Help me!” and everybody would be open ears. What other place could give you that?