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Summer Solstice Sound Healing image
Jun 23
Summer Solstice Sound Healing
Sunday, Jun 23
@ 6:00 pm
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Come celebrate the light of the summer solstice with a restorative yoga sound bath guided by Michele Smith and Lorraine Elick.

Bathe in the healing and hypnotic sound waves of Tibetan singing bowls.

Experience the power of sound healing to let go of stress, balance your energy body, and bring yourself into a higher state of consciousness.

Sound healing is an ancient practice designed to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. During the sound bath, participants lie on their backs and absorb the sound as a meditative experience.

Feel free to bring your yoga mat, blanket, bolster, eye pillow, and any other props to make yourself comfortable during your sound healing journey.

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Steamtown Hot Yoga
Steamtown Hot Yoga Image
Brian Johnson