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Wander Through the Fields & Forests

The Varden Conservation Area spans across 444 acres of picturesque meadows, quiet woodlands, and peaceful ponds. Dr. Mead Shaffer donated the land to help protect it from development and preserve its beauty for generations to come.

The property consists of two tracts that are separated by PA-296: the Tannery Tract to the east and the Mid Valley Tract to the west. Both tracts offer short, easy hiking trails. During the winter, they’re suitable for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

Middle Creek runs through both tracts and offers great spots for trout fishing. The pond at the Tannery Tract is a warmwater fishery with bass, sunfish, and catfish. Hunting is allowed in season at the Tannery Tract.

Promised Land State Park manages the Varden Conservation Area. The property is open daily from sunrise to sunset.

Spotlight On
Varden Conservation Area
Varden Conservation Area Image
Brian Johnson