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Family Fun
October 23, 2023
Picture This: Halloweentown in West Pittston
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A Pre-Holiday Stroll Through NEPA's Own Spooky, Spectacular Halloweentown

This past weekend, we headed out to West Pittston (or Halloweentown, as it’s now known in October) for a peek at some Halloween fun. As promised, most of the homes along the main streets throughout town were decked out for spooky holiday festivities.

Our self-guided, walking tour brought us along Delaware Ave., Montgomery Ave., 4th Street and Wyoming Ave. And we saw it all from over-the-top spooky to adorable, family-friendly displays. We were greeted by giant skeletons and scarecrows, flying witches and ghosts, plenty of Jack O’ Lanterns and so much more. There was just no limit to the creativity on display.

West Pittston’s Halloweentown will host their Trick-or-Treat Extravaganza along Delaware Ave. on Halloween. Delaware Ave. and surrounding streets will be closed for the safety of trick-or-treaters and families. Local food trucks will also be on hand for the festivities. There will also be a Halloween House Decorating Contest running all week leading up to Halloween. Three winning homes will be selected and featured on the West Pittston Tomorrow Facebook page.

Stop by West Pittston all week for a walking tour of all the elaborate holiday décor. And don’t forget to make your way to Halloweentown on Tuesday, October 31 for a little trick-or-treating and plenty of Halloween fun. Check out some of our sneak peek highlights below.