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Mission Statement

The Hazleton Integration Project’s mission is to provide educational, cultural and athletic opportunities for economically disadvantaged children. Under the guidance of Chicago Cubs Manager and Hazleton native, Joe Maddon, we will continue to operate the Hazleton One Community Center with programming designed to engage our children in wholesome activities while fostering trust and respect among all of our region’s ethnic cultures.

The Hazleton Integration Project (HIP)is a community-based effort that seeks to unite the people of many different cultures who now call Hazleton home. The project is the brainchild of Hazleton native and Chicago Cubs Manager Joe Maddon.

HIP’s main focus is operating the Hazleton One Community Center. The community center is designed to serve economically disadvantaged youth and adults. The facility hosts a variety of educational, athletic and cultural activities at little or no cost to participants.
One of the main goals of the HIP is to foster trust and respect among all of the region’s ethnic cultures. HIP offers a fully bilingual Pre-K program and an After-School Scholars Project.

In total, the After-School Scholars Project enrolls over 80 students from kindergarten to grade 8. Additionally, the center features Spanish and English classes, citizenship classes, cultural discussions, cooking lessons, dance and drama classes and a host of other programs. The Hazleton Integration Project also plans to develop outdoor recreational facilities to host activities throughout the year.

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Things To Do Listing
Hazleton One Community Center