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Keystone Mission - Scranton Innovation Center for Homeless & Poverty
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Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the catalyst for the community, to provide help and hope to the homeless, hungry, and hurting people in Northeast PA.

Keystone Mission is an award-winning, local faith-based nonprofit organization that aids men and women experiencing homelessness by providing educational opportunities, access to local community agencies to receive mental health, medical and drug/alcohol treatment, a safe haven for food and clothing and assistance to obtain their government IDs, social security and more. The mission is to be a catalyst for the community, to provide help and hope to the homeless, hungry and hurting people in Northeastern PA.

The Scranton Innovation Center for Homeless & Poverty provides breakfast & lunch daily, weekend meal distribution, assistance obtaining government identification, emergency food and clothing distribution, offers program classes and is an emergency shelter during extreme winter weather.

The mission has three locations: a day center at the Scranton Innovation Center for Homeless and Poverty on West Olive Street in Scranton, a day center at the Wilkes-Barre Innovation Center for Homeless & Poverty on East Union St. and a residential Transformation Center located on Parkview Circle in Wilkes-Barre.

Since 2005, Keystone Mission has provided structured programming that is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which supports the 5 pillars of transformation to men and women who desire to get off the streets and become productive members of society.

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