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Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils -- September 2023 image
September 12, 2023
Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils -- September 2023
Check out how the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce is getting the community involved in shaping NEPA's future with their volunteer councils.
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We’re teaming up with community partners all over Northeastern Pennsylvania to bring you a closer look at what makes our amazing counties, cities, towns and villages so unique. Keep your eye on this space for regular contributions from local organizations, visitors’ bureaus, tourism boards, chambers and so much more.

Check Out What's Going On with Our Chamber Councils!


Keep an eye out for awesome Chamber events this month!

The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce wants to keep you updated each month with everything that their volunteer councils have planned this year, including featured upcoming events, community programs, and business community features!

Their Councils include the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, Women’s Council, Young Professionals Council, Nonprofit Council, Government Affairs Council, and Ambassadors Council!


Council Event Spotlight: Celebrate These Top 3 Finalists at the 2023 Young Professionals Awards!



On Thursday, September 21st, 2023 we are hosting the 8th Annual Young Professionals Awards, in collaboration with our regional chamber partners, recognizing amazing young professionals helping to move our region forward. Come and see the exciting live announcements of this year’s winners and honor these amazing young leaders in our area!

This year’s award categories and top three finalists include:

Cultural Champion of the Year, sponsored by the F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts and Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza:

Rose Daniels | Catholic Youth Center
Aliah McPhaul | Misericordia University
Molly Walsh | F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion of the Year:

Jacqueline Escobar | Wilkes University Small Business Development Center
Regina Graham | Geisinger Health System
Jesse Macko | Coal Creative

Educator of the Year: sponsored by C&G Tutoring and C. Moore Learning:

Lindsay Albert | Harrisburg School District
Vito Malacari | Northwest Area Education Association/PSEA
Gabi Pagnotti | Scranton School District

Hero of the Year: sponsored by Perfect Storm Renovations, LLC:

Richard Rachkowski | PA State Trooper
Carl Puskar | PA State Trooper

        Intern of the Year, sponsored by Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies:

Taylor Burdick | The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce
Carli Tabone | Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Megan Wescott | Misericordia University

Influencer of the Year, sponsored by UGI Utilities, Inc.:

Anthony Bartoli | AssuredPartners of NEPA
Erin Kosisky | The Cycle Yard & Wilkes-Barre Bike Gang
David Pearson | Rainbow Alliance

Small Business Owner of the Year, sponsored by FNCB Bank:

Ryan Garvey | Quality Custom Doors, LLC & Quality Custom Awnings
Melissa Roberts | Ski Shack & Wild Women NEPA
Adam Thalenfeld | Bread Service PA

STEAM Professional of the Year, sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities:

Melissa Carestia | Sordoni Art Gallery at Wilkes University
Sharon Pulman | Pulman Interiors
Nicole Shapiro | Lackawanna County Office of Environmental Sustainability

Trailblazer of the Year, sponsored by MCR Productions:

Cassandra Coleman | America250PA
Samantha Conners | SCHOTT Optics
Shelby Monk | Diamond City Partnership

Voluntary Leader of the Year, sponsored by the United Way of Wyoming Valley:

Charli Li | Student at Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Johnathan Martinez | NEPA Youth Shelter
Taryn Talacka | Archer Education

Young Professional Development Award, sponsored by UGI Utilities, Inc.:

Coffee Inclusive by NEPA Inclusive
DePietro’s Pharmacy

Young Professional Women’s Leadership Award by Athena ® International, sponsored by Riggs Asset Management Co.:

Jessica Ives | Family Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Katie Lykon | SHINE Afterschool Program of Luzerne County at Wilkes University
Bethany Staples | Market Share Consulting

Tickets for this event are on sale now and can be purchased on our event page.


Community Opportunities: Learn More About Advocacy at This Year’s LEAD Event!



Legislative Education and Advocacy Day (LEAD) is an exciting event that gives attendees an opportunity to learn about advocacy on the local and state level. Presented in partnership with our regional chambers and the Government Affairs Council, LEAD is designed to further attendees’ knowledge of the legislative process, grassroots advocacy, and major current statewide and national policy initiatives. This event provides attendees with tools and resources to build their advocacy toolbelt and meet their legislators/representatives to discuss topics that are important to them and the communities they serve. Attendees hear from an array of passionate speakers from elected officials, the government sector, community organizers, and advocates.

This year’s event will be held on Friday, September 29th at Mohegan Pennsylvania. The keynote will be Rick Siger, Secretary for the Department of Community and Economic Development. To register, visit our event page!


Get Inspired At the 2023 ATHENA™ Panel Luncheon!



Please join us for an educational and interactive discussion from our area’s most inspiring women. The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber’s Women’s Network will host the ATHENA™ Panel Luncheon on September 27th at The Westmoreland Club! Lunch will be provided, and our panel of ATHENA honorees will discuss topics from career advice to professional advancement. This year’s panelists include Kathi Bankes, Zubeen Saeed, Lissa Bryan-Smith, and Barbara Maculloch. Attendees can register on our event page.