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Become a Certified Outdoor Educator with North Branch Land Trust image
January 18, 2024
Become a Certified Outdoor Educator with North Branch Land Trust
Applications are now open for North Branch Land Trust’s 2024 Outdoor Educator Bootcamp sponsored by DiscoverNEPA.
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DiscoverNEPA is partnering with North Branch Land Trust, a nonprofit that conserves the natural, working and scenic landscapes of NEPA. They’ll provide conservation tips and give us a look at their protected lands. Learn how you can join NBLT and do your part to protect NEPA’s natural resources.

Outdoor Educator Bootcamp Applications Open

Applications are now open for North Branch Land Trust’s 2024 Outdoor Educator Bootcamp sponsored by DiscoverNEPA. The certification program will be taught by educators from the Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources (PA DCNR) at a discounted rate of $50 (Certification Value $330). The program will be held at North Branch Land Trust’s office at 105 Lt Michael Cleary Drive, Dallas, PA.

On March 9, 10, and 23, NEPA conservation non-profit North Branch Land Trust will host up to thirty NEPA outdoor enthusiasts to hone their skills and become Certified Interpretive Hosts: educators, club leaders, staff and professionals in natural resource and nature-based recreation fields, and those who devote a lot of time and experience to the great NEPA outdoors.

Over the course of three sessions, participants will develop the skills they need to share their knowledge in formal and informal outdoor settings. Regardless of academic niche or particular outdoor passion, outdoor enthusiasts will shape their communication skills, hone their methodology, and make connections between concepts, people and the land. In addition to certification through the National Association for Interpreters, instructors will provide regionally specific resources on stewardship and understanding of local nature-based attractions.

Ellen Ferretti, North Branch Land Trust’s Executive Director says, “North Branch Land Trust is thrilled to bring together our region’s outdoor educators with the support of DiscoverNEPA and PA DCNR. We have seen a real need throughout the conservation community to provide tangible support to those breaking into the conservation field. Many volunteers, job applicants, and students have immense resources to share with the community…they just don’t know where to start. It is our hope that this is only the first step of many that provide development, networking, and connection through our natural resources in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

Program participants will have the opportunity to give back to the NEPA community through hikes coordinated with program partners throughout 2024 and beyond. North Branch Land Trust along with conservation and nature recreation groups including DiscoverNEPA, WeConservePA, land trusts, trail groups, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, PA DCNR and more will assist bootcamp graduates in developing programming on publicly accessible lands and finding avenues of promoting their skills in interpreting NEPA’s natural resources.

Thanks to the financial support of DiscoverNEPA, graduates who complete a community commitment contract in NEPA will be reimbursed their program deposit—receiving their NAI certification for free!

North Branch Land Trust’s Outdoor Educator Bootcamp is open to anyone (ages 18+) who lives and works in NEPA and is committed to its natural resources. Interested applicants can click here for more information and application forms.

Note: Application may not guarantee entrance if capacity is reached. $50 program deposit due upon program acceptance.