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North Branch Land Trust to Host Earth Day Cleanup at Hanover Township Wetland image
April 18, 2024
North Branch Land Trust to Host Earth Day Cleanup at Hanover Township Wetland
Get out and pitch in this Earth Day with North Branch Land Trust at Hanover Crossings Marsh in Hanover Twp.
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DiscoverNEPA is partnering with North Branch Land Trust, a nonprofit that conserves the natural, working and scenic landscapes of NEPA. They’ll provide conservation tips and give us a look at their protected lands. Learn how you can join NBLT and do your part to protect NEPA’s natural resources.

Keep NEPA Clean with North Branch Land Trust

Every April, people around the world celebrate Earth Day. From planting trees to litter clean-ups, even the smallest of gestures goes a long way. North Branch Land Trust hopes to continue its commitment to stewarding NEPA’s natural landscapes at the Hanover Crossings Marsh Sanctuary on Monday April 22.



A beautiful nature preserve, the 40-acre public sanctuary provides people with optimal chances to birdwatch, photograph the outdoors, or even just walk and enjoy the scenery.

The sanctuary, once part of the Hanover Industrial Park, is in need of a helping hand! Recognizing the importance our wetlands, North Branch Land Trust continually invites our local community to make an impact.

On Monday April 22, 2024, join North Branch Land Trust at Hanover Crossings Marsh on Spencer Lane in Hanover Township for a cleanup. Attendees are reminded to dress appropriately as it may be muddy in certain areas. The clean-up will begin at 11AM and volunteers are asked to enter the marsh via Spencer Lane.

All members will be provided with a pair of work gloves and a safety vest, with trash bags circulating for groups to use. Additionally, participants who have tools to pull litter out of the water or reeds are encouraged to bring them to the marsh. The clean-up will be ongoing until 3PM when all trash will be collected and supplies returned.

Intern, and Cleanup Coordinator, Nicholas Splain says, “We hope for a great turnout to this event. Sometimes the hardest part is finding an opportunity to contribute to Earth Day, and I think the Hanover Crossings Marsh Sanctuary is an important place to start.”

This clean-up could not be possible without the support of Hanover Township and their work on providing North Branch Land Trust with resources to dispose of the trash collected.

Executive Director Ellen Ferretti says, “The Township and local community who love this Sanctuary are representative of why we conserve and steward. We love to see people and organizations of all different backgrounds doing what they do best to care for our region’s natural resources.”

In addition, North Branch Land Trust is happy to partner with a fifth-grade class from Dallas Intermediate School, providing students the opportunity to get a sense of what Earth Day is all about! Working with these students to participate in a clean-up like this further supports the mission of NBLT of advocating and conserving natural resources for future generations.

The impact volunteers and the community generate from this event will foster a greater commitment to NEPA conservation one step at a time. If you would like to support North Branch Land Trust’s cleanup efforts, visit