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Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils – May 2023 image
May 09, 2023
Checking in with the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber Councils – May 2023
Check out how the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce is getting the community involved in shaping NEPA's future with their volunteer councils.
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We’re teaming up with community partners all over Northeastern Pennsylvania to bring you a closer look at what makes our amazing counties, cities, towns and villages so unique. Keep your eye on this space for regular contributions from local organizations, visitors’ bureaus, tourism boards, chambers and so much more.

Check Out What’s Going On With Our Chamber Councils

Keep an eye out for awesome Chamber events this month!

The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce wants to keep you updated each month with everything that their volunteer councils have planned this year, including featured upcoming events, community programs, and business community features!

Their Councils include the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, Women’s Council, Young Professionals Council, Nonprofit Council, Government Affairs Council, and Ambassadors Council!


Upcoming Council Event Spotlight – Save the date for a DBE Training!



Through the Connect Inclusive Program, and in partnership with several of our regional chambers and economic development entities, the Diamond City Partnership, and A2Z Diversity Solutions, we will be hosting a Diverse-Owned Business Pre-Certification Session on May 22nd from 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM at Wilkes-Barre’s THINK Center. This training will provide information on how minority-owned businesses in our region can learn more about contracting opportunities with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Registration for this event will be opening shortly, and updates can be found on our Community Calendar.


Community Opportunities – Connect Inclusive Core Programs



Check out this core program from Wilkes-Barre Connect’s new Connect Inclusive Program: Connect Inclusive Educational Programming & Consulting Services with the Wilkes University Small Business Development Center (in English & Spanish)!

As part of the Connect Inclusive program the Wilkes University SBDC has designed a two-phase program: “Getting your Financial House in Order & Small Business 101.” Getting Your Financial House in Order is a two-part webinar that focuses on Understanding & Improving Your Credit and will provide an introduction to basic financial statements. Small Business 101, a six part series, will walk participants through the necessary steps that will help businesses start, grow and prosper…topic areas will include feasibility, research, marketing, business plan development and financing.

The Connect Inclusive program was created to address systemic and historical barriers to entrepreneurship and business growth that individuals from minority communities experience, by providing accessible and inclusive resources specifically tailored to their needs, providing them with all stages of education and technical resources to start-up or continue to grow their business. Get more information and sign-up to participate in this FREE program by visiting the program web page.

Completion of the SBDC core program makes you eligible for an additional funding voucher for necessary services.

Please note: This SBDC program requires two registration steps. Once registered through the Connect Intake form you will receive an email directing you to register to become a client with the Wilkes University SBDC- this is a required step to participate in this program.


Get Involved in Community Initiatives – Apply to Participate in This Year’s Amplify Women’s Leadership Program!



This premier women’s leadership certificate program is the first of its kind in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Cutting-edge leadership development, high-level networking opportunities, and access to a dynamic series of speakers offers participants an unprecedented and transformative leadership experience that address the unique needs of women in the workforce. Amplify is a powerhouse collaboration between Leadership Northeast, the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce Elevate Women’s Network, and Dr. Christine Kiesinger of CEK Communication.

Find out more and apply to participate HERE!