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Meet Your New Year’s Resolution on the Susquehanna Greenway image
January 26, 2024
Meet Your New Year’s Resolution on the Susquehanna Greenway
Get active outdoors in 2024 with a little help from Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.
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Make a Plan to Get Outside in 2024

With the onset of a New Year, so too come the hopes, inspirations, and goals of our upcoming resolutions. Do you have yours yet? Let the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) help! Here are some resolution ideas that you can meet with us in 2024 on and along the Susquehanna River.


Go Hiking this Winter


Photo courtesy of Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.


Getting outside this season can offer a first crack at your health-related resolutions.

While it may be tempting to settle in for a long winter’s nap, don’t let the cold weather keep you indoors! Hiking in the winter can increase your cardiovascular endurance, boost immunity, and has been proven to burn twice as many calories as in the summer. A study by Princeton University found that for 48-72 hours following your hike, your metabolism can even rise by 15%-25%. Winter hikes are also a great remedy for beating the ‘winter blues’—in fact, hiking in the cold weather will boost your endorphins and serotonin for up to a week after your hike.

If you’re inspired to make this resolution last, don’t let it be a single day activity! Set a goal to get out on a trail once a month, once a week, or more. The Susquehanna Greenway has a full inventory of trails. Find a trail near you.


Paddle the Susquehanna River


Photo courtesy of Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.


Paddling in the winter is not for the faint of heart, and some careful planning and packing will be needed if you choose to start this resolution early.

Be sure to wear the correct gear and your lifejacket; Pennsylvania state law requires all boaters to wear their lifejackets from now through April 30th. If you choose to wait for warmer weather, adjust your planning and packing accordingly. Either way, don’t let a year go by without hitting the water at least once!

In addition to experiencing the stunning beauty and scenery of the Susquehanna River, paddling comes with some unbeatable health benefits. While the specific impact that paddling has on the body varies from person to person, on average, 30 minutes of paddling can burn anywhere from 150 – 210 calories, according to a study by Harvard Health Publishing. Improved cardiovascular fitness and increased torso & leg strength are also perks you can look forward to after regular paddling.  The mental benefits of paddling are just as beneficial as the physical ones. Mood boosts, improved focus, better memory, and increased sleep quality are all proven benefits of exercise via paddling.

Prefer to have a little guidance for your paddling adventure? SGP and the water trail managers of the Susquehanna River are planning a Sojourn Series in 2024. Join us and meet your New Year’s resolution to paddle the Susquehanna River! Check back here for more details on dates and trips.


Give Back to the Environment


Photo courtesy of Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.


Whether you realize it or not, we utilize rivers every day.

Be it for drinking water, irrigation, hydroelectricity, or recreation, we need to treat our river kindly because it plays an essential role in our ecosystem and day-to-day lives.

That said, one great resolution to add to your list for 2024 is to give back to the environment! Winter and early spring can be the perfect time to start on this resolution because the absence of leaves and undergrowth vegetation makes it easier to see and remove litter. Make it a point to bring a small trash bag and gloves on your nest outdoor adventures to collect and dispose of any unwanted items that you see along the way, leaving the environment better than you found it.

You can also achieve this resolution with us in April during the Susquehanna Greenway Cleanup Month. Since the beginning of this initiative, 39 locations have been cleaned, 114 trees planted, 2,343 individuals have volunteered, and over 56,000 pounds of trash have been removed from the Susquehanna Greenway. Stay tuned for details on how you, your family, or group can join the Cleanup Month.


Explore your Creative Side


Photo courtesy of Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.


Explore your creative side —and a new hobby— by venturing outdoors with a camera.

If you’ve been looking to combine your outdoor adventures with a dash of creativity, then we have a perfect New Year’s resolution for you.

Outdoor photography is a wonderful way to get out on the Greenway and document your adventures. Plus, SGP has an annual photo contest that can provide an extra incentive to hone your photography skills this winter.

Whether your photos include Susquehanna landmarks, treasured river towns, Susquehanna adventures, or wildlife, there are so many opportunities to capture the beauty of the Susquehanna Greenway.

Once you’ve captured your best work, be sure to enter your pictures into SGP’s annual photo contest. The submission window will be open right here from May-July 2024. Or, tag @susquehannagreenway in your social media post for a chance to be featured on our organizational account.


You’ve Got This

The start of a new year can be daunting, but exciting. Let’s make the best of 2024 together by exploring the outdoor opportunities of the Susquehanna Greenway!


Featured image by David Walsh provided by Susquehanna Greenway Partnership.