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Ryan Leckey of Ryan Leckey Media Why NEPA? image
September 13, 2022
Ryan Leckey of Ryan Leckey Media Why NEPA?
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“If there’s one thing that I feel waking up every day in NEPA, it’s gratitude.”

At a young age, Ryan Leckey learned the importance of rising early and getting after it. Even as a kid, all bed-headed and tired, he’d be in the gym by 6 A.M. – mostly because his mom, an aerobics instructor, would drag him there. Eventually, however, it grew into a passion. He spent much of his adolescent and teen years perfecting front foot sweeps and four corner holds in Judo class at his hometown YMCA in Johnstown. Yes, THAT Johnstown — western PA’s famous “Flood City.”

Throughout his formative years, that mom-inspired work ethic kept driving him forward. The Westmont Hilltop High grad was a golf caddy at 12. A lifeguard at 15. Then, a pharmacy tech and a front desk clerk at a hotel. By 18, Ryan had discovered his calling at WJAC-TV. He cut his teeth behind the scenes – chewing up every aspect of a professional newscast. And, soon after, he found himself shooting, writing and editing his own stories and graduating from the University of Pittsburgh Johnstown.

And that’s precisely where the Ryan Leckey story and NEPA collide. In 2005, he landed a job with local ABC affiliate WNEP-TV. And while his popularity as a local broadcast personality exploded, he never gave up the hustle. He even found time over the ensuing years to earn both a Master’s and a Ph.D. from Marywood University in Scranton. Today, he’s embarking on an exciting new marketing/media storytelling venture called Ryan Leckey Media.

We caught up with the ever-busy influencer this summer. And among a thousand burning questions, we settled on only a select few, including, of course, Why NEPA?


How long have you lived in NEPA?

Around 17 years.

What do you love about your town?

The people, hands down! I live in Throop. But whether it’s in my neighborhood or beyond, I just adore the people who call this area home. They are so welcoming, kind, and easy to strike up a conversation with. I love my neighbors and the ability to hit the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail. This area has so much beauty and so much good.

What’s your favorite NEPA restaurant?

Too hard to just choose one.

What’s your favorite thing to do in NEPA?

Eat!  The food here is some of the best in the country. I literally love our area’s mom & pop restaurants. There’s nothing better than walking into a restaurant you love and feeling like part of the family.

What’s next for you?

I want to continue to focus on growing my new business adventure – Ryan Leckey Media. I’m so grateful to have worked with some of the best storytellers in the business, the best innovators/content creators that lead to me to start this new chapter. Now, I can take my love for storytelling and help brands/businesses tell “their story.”

My company’s focus is social media storytelling, marketing (digital ad placements and more) along with a full-service production company. I am also so grateful that I have managed to build a team of 12 so far who are just some of the smartest, wittiest and coolest people I’ve met in my life. I learn so much from them all the time and they mean the world to me.  I wouldn’t be thriving in this new adventure without them. I also love that now in 2022, you can create content anywhere across multiple platforms.

Where do you see NEPA heading in the future?

Growth! Job growth. City growth. Small business growth!  I love that when I drive through places like downtown Scranton, I see new, hip restaurants opening their doors. I think that after the pandemic, people are taking a risk and “shooting their shot.” They’re opening that business they always wanted to create. People are taking more risks that could better their community.

I think companies here at home and across the country are also being more focused on improving workplace culture so their employees feel heard, valued and seen. Everyone from every background deserves a seat at the table. And what better place to pull up a chair than right here in Northeastern Pennsylvania.


Why not NEPA is what I say. I love that after living here for 17 years, I run into many of the same people. Good people. People who genuinely care about one another. This area holds such a special place in my heart. I moved to NEPA in 2005. I was 21, didn’t know anyone, and I felt like when I landed here first for a career in TV and later my own company, I ended up with a huge extended family.

I also found myself here. I came out as a proud gay man and just really felt supported by so many to be who I am, all in! I love that I can live out and proud, have a career, a family, a partner I love, a dog, and just feel such a wave of good when I’m out and about.

I love our foods, the slang people use in this area, and our traditions. Truthfully, through television and especially now through my social media accounts (@RyanLeckey), I felt like I became the younger brother some people never had or the hot mess nephew/grandson some folks always wanted…and boom! 17 years later, I’m still here. Loving life. Loving this area.

If there’s one thing that I feel waking up every day in NEPA, it’s gratitude. To the people who became friends. The corporations who brought my new company onboard to help tell their stories, just all of it. There’s something so special when you’re in this area. It’s simply a feeling of home.

Keep up with Ryan – Follow him on social media @RyanLeckey.

For business inquiries, reach him at


*Featured Image (Top) Courtesy of Tom Robbins