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Home of the Delaware Highlands Conservancy

The Van Scott Nature Reserve encompasses 144 acres of wild forests, rolling meadows, and tranquil wetlands in Beach Lake. This nature preserve boasts over three miles of trails that are open to the public. Along the way, you’ll discover two ponds, historic farmland, and abundant wildlife.

The property is also the headquarters of the Delaware Highlands Conservancy. This nonprofit works with landowners and communities to protect the natural heritage and quality of life of the Upper Delaware River region. The Van Scott Nature Reserve hosts many of their year-round educational programs, such as nature walks, guided hikes, workshops, and the popular winter Eagle Watch.

The Van Scott Nature Reserve is a crucial habitat for ground-nesting birds and pollinators. To help protect this sensitive wildlife habitat, dogs are not allowed at the reserve.

Spotlight On
Fall at Van Scott Nature Reserve
Fall at Van Scott Nature Reserve Image
Ryan Wood
Brian Johnson