Experience an innovative adaptation of Dickens’ classic tale, where the joy of Christmas comes alive before your eyes. With just three actors bringing every character to life, you’ll find yourself on a creative, captivating, and unexpected journey alongside Scrooge as he discovers the true meaning of the holiday season. This fresh approach remains true to the story while turning the stage into a lively, exciting world sure to capture the heart of even the most miserly amongst us.
Showtimes are 7:30 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and 3 PM on Sundays. In the spirit of the story, people can procure tickets with a food donation for the November 29th preview at 2 PM. There will also be a low price preview on Saturday, November 30th at 2:00 and 7:30 PM. A sensory friendly performance will be staged on Saturday, December 7th at 2 PM.