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Stories focusing on conservation will be read by a Forest Service Ranger on Monday mornings 10AM until 11AM. Followed by a craft activity, hike, or scavenger hunt. Parents are required to remain on site during this program. The program will be held at the lower pavilion, located at the lower parking lot of Grey Towers. There is no cost to attend.

6/10 Smokey’s Story
6/17 Kids making a difference in their communities
6/24 Noticing the world around you

7/1 Fire and firework safety
7/8 Fire Management and Fire Towers
7/15 Conservation and Community
7/22 Trees at Grey Towers
7/29 Invasive Species Management

8/5 Smokey Bear 80th Birthday Preparation (creating a birthday card)
8/12 Box Turtle at Long Pond (guest reader, turtle demonstration)